Entanglements, Illness Trigger Points and Neural pathways

Saturday 22nd March

Entanglements, Illness Trigger Points and Neural pathways

with Adrian Incledon-Webber


As energetic beings we all have many long-term memories stored in the oldest part of our brains known as the Reptilian Brain and rather like the hard drive of a computer they can fill up and then they need to be cleared of past and unwanted memories etc.


By working on our Entanglements (Impulse memory) and Illness Trigger Points (Cellular memory) we can start to lead a happier, untroubled and more fulfilling life.

During the workshop we will be carry out a meditation, then a healing, clearing any unnecessary blockages and stored memories, often creating new neural pathways.

Bring your pendulums and/or dowsing rods as this is a practical workshop, a notebook and pen too.


About Adrian:

Adrian is one of the foremost house healers in the world, having founded Dowsing Spirits in 2007. He has worked on hundreds of people’s houses over the years clearing them of detrimental energies, whether stuck human emotion, unwanted spirits and detrimental earth energies.


His two Heal Your Home books have been described as ‘the bibles of geopathic stress’ and have sold thousands copies around the world.


Adrian is a former Vice-President of The British Society of Dowsers and past chair of their Earth Energies Group and Dowsing for Health Group.

When and Where:

Saturday 22nd March from 2.30 p.m.- 4.30 p.m. at the Penn Street Village Hall, Penn Street

Nr. Amersham, Bucks HP7 0PX


This is a dowsing workshop so please bring your dowsing tools

Booking and payment: please contact Sue Scott Powell:
